I love visiting any Tourist Information Centre (TIC’s) although with my tourism background and and love of exploring that’s hardly surprising!

When out and about its easy to be in your usual routine; list in hand ticking off your things to do, places to go, things to buy. You may walk past a Tourist Information Centre and not even really notice it. Well its just for tourists and people here on holiday isn’t it?
You may be pleasantly surprised next time you pop into one and here’s why….
Why a Tourist Information Centre is a great place to visit
As well as lots of local information, they also have great staff with insider knowledge and a passion for their area who love helping people get the most out of their spare time!
Suffolk has so much going on throughout the year that the choices of what to do can be overwhelming at times!
Its nice to have a chat with people who can help – from recommending visitor attractions, events and festivals and of course that local knowledge of the best places to go and pick wild blackberries!

The internet is great, but I find a leaflet I have picked up from a TIC is there as a permanent reminder so I don’t forget to visit the attraction!
There are also maps and books on the local area and usually a really nice selection of cards and gifts. You can even book tickets for the theatre’s and attractions. When visiting the Bury St Edmunds Christmas Fayre, the TIC even had some fantastic unique Christmas tree decorations!
On my recent trip to Newmarket I discovered the Horseshoe Trail that I had no idea existed, and at Stowmarket last month I picked up the Suffolk Walking Festival brochure and went home and booked my walks.
Some of the TICs are in unusual buildings. Felixstowe has a brilliant beach hut and Ipswich TIC is in the wonderful St Stephens church. This all adds to the experience of visiting somewhere different to find ideas of how to spend you free time.

As you can see TIC’s are great places for inspiration and can be found all over the country – and remember you don’t have to be a tourist to visit one!
Here are the details of Tourist Information Centres in Suffolk. I think I have included them all but if I have missed any please do get in touch so I can add them to the list!
Heart of Suffolk (Lavenham, Stowmarket, Sudbury)
Suffolk Coast (Aldeburgh, Beccles, Bungay, Felixstowe, Halesworth, Ipswich, Lowestoft, Southwold, Woodbridge)
So next time you see one, do pop in you may be surprised at what you might find!