Why a Suffolk Explorer Guide is a Great Way to Discover Orford

Orford Suffolk
Looking to discover Orford? Well it is one of those places that has a lot more to it than you first think! I have been many times this year and often take a leisurely walk around the town just to enjoy the pretty surroundings. The Suffolk Coast and Heaths Orford Explorer Guide is an excellent way to discover Orford if you have an hour or two spare and fancy going for a walk. A number of dif...
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My Top 10 Favourite Cars!

Car Wheel
I will be the first to admit I know nothing about cars and my family and friends will agree. Anyone who has ever told me they have bought a new car will usually hear me say "That's great...what colour is it?" That said, when I see a car that does catch my attention, it's usually for lots of different reasons. I recently had a sort out of all the photo's I have taken over the last 6 months ...
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Aldeburgh Food & Drink Festival

Aldeburgh Food & Drink Festival
Aldeburgh Food & Drink Festival - 5 Great Reasons to Visit Aldeburgh Food & Drink Festival now in it's 11th year, is a permanent and well loved fixture in the Suffolk event calendar attracting thousands of visitors each year. Having arrived home after visiting the festival today it's been difficult choosing from the many photo's I have taken so I decided to sort them into 5 categor...
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Lovely Lavenham: A Photo Tour!

Little Hall Lavenham
Well I made it! I arrived in Lavenham this week and I am not going to admit how many years I have been saying - I must go! Was it worth the wait? - Absolutely!  and so much so, that I am planning a return trip as we speak! And here's why...... It's absolutely stunning! As you walk around the village you can't help but be astounded at all the different houses and buildings that line the stre...
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Heritage Open Days

Heritage Open Days
Heritage Open Days Heritage Open Days are a marvelous way to spend a couple of hours, a whole day or even a whole weekend! I was so excited when out on my travels I picked up the booklet for Ipswich Heritage Open Days. It turned out to be a  fantastic resource to help me plan where I was going to go! Heritage Open Days have been around since 1994 and every September it gives us the wonder...
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An Afternoon in Christchurch Park Looking for Mabel!

Christchurch Park Ipswich
  First things first just in case you are worried, lets talk about Mabel. She's is Christchurch Park's most famous resident -  a tawny owl and she has become a bit of a celebrity over recent years! My latest trip to the park was to hopefully catch a glimpse of her as she's is part of my Suffolks Top 50 challenge. Exploring Christchurch Park Having mentioned to a friend my planned ...
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My Highlights of Pigs Gone Wild 2016

Pigs Gone Wild in Ipswich!
Well the sculptures on the Pigs Gone Wild art trail have now disappeared and people seem to be missing them! It's been a great summer in Ipswich and so fantastic to see the town with its very own art trail. I first discovered art trails on a trip to Bristol in 2015. It created quite a buzz with visitors to the city and made an amazing amount for charity at auction so when I heard Ipswic...
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FolkEast 2016

Sunset Stage
A flavour of FolkEast in 8 pictures I have had a couple of great days at the FolkEast Festival and as a first timer I wasn't really sure what to expect. As well as the many music stages there is lots more going on too; workshops, activities, stalls, food and more - lots to keep you entertained, amused, surprised and to make you smile. Here are some of my highlights in photos! It's so n...
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Woodbridge Tide Mill

Tide Mill Woodbridge
Woodbridge Tide Mill My visit to the Woodbridge Tide Mill was on a particularly damp and drizzly day, but actually once inside, the weather didn't matter so much as I had lots to see and keep me busy whilst sheltering from the rain! I have often glanced at the Tide Mill and to be honest if it wasn't on the Suffolk's Top 50 I probably wouldn't have visited...that's why I love my #Suffolkt...
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Latitude Festival: So much more than a music festival

Artist at Latitude Festival
If you have never been to Latitude Festival before and are trying to decide if going to a festival is your thing, I hope this blog helps! With some days out, events or holidays it all comes down to timing. This time last year I was apprehensive to say the least. I had taken the plunge and bought my ticket for Latitude and was beginning to wonder whether I had made an expensive mistake. I...
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